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Home > Culture > Galleries > Gallery ITN: Risto ANTUNOVIC, exhibition
Gallery ITN: Risto ANTUNOVIC, exhibition Srpski
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E-mail of Gallery:
Editor in Chief: Vladeta Stojić, +381 066 047844
Founder: Info-Tours.Net
Phone/fax: +381 11 2494 545
Place: Beograd
Title of exhibition: From the cycle ELEMENTS
Web adress of Gallery:
Working hours: 00-24h

In an age of modern contemporary and highly develped technologies and in the culture of mass media with all of its advantages, its effects and its influence on the development on the visual artistic creation, Risto Antunovic, experincing the same world aims to realise and to nurture a compact, deeply personal and spiritually congruent space for his graphical cycle...


Academic graphic

Mr. Risto Antunovic



Born in 1952. in Berkovici (Hercegovina).


Academy of Fine Arts (Department of graphics) finished 1978th in Sarajevo.


In 1980. completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of Graphic Fine Arts



Member of the League of Fine Artists of Yugoslavia since 1979., And since 1980. until 1988. freelance artist.


In 1987th staying in the studio Internazionale Cite des Artes in Paris as a scholarship fund, "Moshe Pijade".


1992nd The Association of Fine Artists of Serbia.


Had 20 solo exhibitions and 150 group exhibitions at home and abroad.


He received several awards in the field of graphics and drawings.

He lives and works in Belgrade.

Andrićev venac 12, 11000 Beograd              

Tel. +381 11 32 37 245


Welcome to  SERBIAN

  In an age of modern contemporary and highly develped 
technologies and in the culture of mass media with all of its advantages, its effects and its influence on the development on the visual artistic creation, 

Risto Antunovic, experincing the same world aims to realise and to nurture a compact, deeply personal and spiritually congruent space for his graphical cycle.

 Within the context of his graphical fine arts series there is a dominance of certain productive values of his accummulative  experinces which do not undermine his work, but to the contrary, it becomes the author's aim, the icononography of the personal and an open vision towards the outside world.
Emotionally driven but with the expression which is confined within the limits of the cooper etching water tint, with a use of a specific graphical technique the author selects the events and chooses the motifs which carry the expression of a deeper and wider meaning.

Antunovic focusses on the marks of time as left on the visible objects (the wheel and the plough as a primal symbol) which derive from the environment of his old Hercegovian homeland, as well as on all other things which move his creativity.

A perfect example:


With a clear basic idea through its development, from a banal world of objects, a new and original one is created.

 Constructively confident Antunovic nurtures a kind of stroke that confirms his excellent drawing skills. The purity of the realisation, the feeling for the rhythm, the dark earthy colours with the noticeable sensitivity for the form from its reduction to the basic shape of the object in question, all these stress the confident knowledge of the graphic art technique.


The thirty pieces of work 
entitled "DABARPOLJE" (DABAR Field) in the "ULUS" Gallery witness the movement of enormous strength contained within Antunovic's graphic art cycles. Although, widely speaking the exhibition is outside the mainstream following, yet within a postmodern frame work. It is a synthesis of creative  achivements in a technique whose might the author stresses out, and whose characteristics he develops further. 
Therefore we are not looking only at the passive forms but at the objects with their predisposed traits which dominate the work of Antunovic.


In the direction of a world of true reality and in the function of the desired artistic expression, its beauty, and the highest qualities of a total graphycal work of Rista Antunovic produced during an extremely rich, continual and lasting artistic activity he has 
   followed solely paths characterised by his individuality and a clear recognition. In this world of unification, and of the technological powers of the third millenium, this is an exhibition to which we should bow downin respect.


Jasminka Plavsic Djerkovic


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Your comments:
Veliko hvala umjetniku na impresivnom putovanju kroz nedokučive prostore MAKROKOSMOSA,na energiji i zagonetki JUGA i SVJETLOSTI.....Posmatrač ne može ostati ravnodušan pred grafičkim listovima i snažnim nabojem Ristinog snovidjenja.Želim Ti Risto da nošen avanturističkom radoznalošću istrajno urezuješ neke nove zapise ostajući vijeran svojoj simbolici.Snježa Galić . .Sarajevo
(snježana galić, 30/07/2010 14:10)
Dragi Risto, pogledala sam video. Za moj ukus ide prebrzo i cini mise da se je ovdje vise htio proslaviti onaj tko je video postavio. Nekoliko grafika sam na miru mogla pogledati jes su postavljene sa strane. Vidim da si ostao vjeran svojoj Hercegovini.
(Davorka Kitonic, 30/04/2010 06:50)
Zdravo Risto-majstore ! Pozz Mita
(miodrag mitic, 22/04/2010 21:58)
Ristu Antunovića upoznao sam prije 30 godina u Berkovićima iznad Dabrovskog polja. Radovi koji su tada nastajali plijenili su tematikom, ljepotom crteža, finoćom štampe, i svim onim iz čega se mogao naslutiti umjetnik osebujog dara. Žarka Hercegovina, ispucala zemlja, točak utisnut u tlo, ostavljeno ralo, i dr. pružalo mi je neizmjeran doživljaj koji je umjetnik prenosio na svoja djela. Počeo sam da skupljma Ristine radove i danas, kada je Risto postao poznat i priznat umjetnik, sretan sam što mogu da poželim, na ovom mjestu, svako dobro dobrom čovjeku i umjetniku Risti Antunoviću. Enver MANDŽIĆ
(Enver MANDŽIĆ, Tuzla, BiH, 05/04/2010 12:17)
U ovom nasem (ne)vremenu Risto citavom svojom darovitoscu kaleidoskopski zavodljivo i leprsavo stvara vibrantnu atmosferu na svojim grafikama (narocito kolazima), ostvarujuci pri tom nadahnuti zapis onoga sto jos mozemo da sacuvamo, da ne zaboravimo.
(Branislav Djokic Kan , 04/04/2010 22:26)
Cestitam gos. Antunovicu sto nam poklanja ljepotu, a meni kao sudioniku"OSLIKAVANIH VREMENA"i neku cudnu toplinu oko srca! Jos jednom hvala ti Risto!
(Cupina Dragan, 03/04/2010 18:17)
Moje najiskrenije cestitke gospodinu Antunovicu. Cini mi se da zvoni iz dalekue civilizacije, drevne Kine.Mozda je to samo moj dozivljaj,vidjene savremenim okom... Veoma impresivno.Hvala za ovaj dogadjaj, Ljiljana
(Ljiljana Gasparovski, 31/03/2010 17:50)


* Zoran L Pantelić: Solo Exhibition
Virtual Gallery ITN
Virtual gallery ITN: Radomir STANČIĆ, exibition

Triptih 1
Triptih 2