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Home > Economy > Services > Photo > Jasenovo
Jasenovo Srpski
Population: 1,78
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This advanced village in the southeastern part of Banat, has a long history and numerous features. Favorable geographical position was that in the past to become economic and cultural center of its surroundings. That reputation is preserved to the present day.

 Jasenovo  belongs to the Bela Crkva's municipality and includes the central and northern part. It is located on the left bank of the river Caras that is a few hundred meters away.
The name of the village is the adjective one kind of forest trees, or, wood ash. The Turkish notebook mentioned under the name of more mid-sixteenth century.
Because of its size and population is the largest in the municipality (1,780 inhabitants, population density 18 inhabitants per hectare) and is located in the northwest part. Thanks to its favorable geographical position, on the main road and railway provide Vršac-Bela Crkva (White Church), has been the most important intersection of roads in the valley of the river Karaš.
Population is mainly engaged in farming, fruit growing, livestock breeding, and a part of the employed in enterprises in Vrsac and the Bela Crkva (White Church). In the village are two companies that also employ a lot of workers, such as brick "2 October" and plastic packaging plant "Hemofarm". With built infrastructure and municipal equipment, enviably to the level in relation to other places in the municipality.
In the village, provided health care, was built in the ambulance to a doctor. Children up to eighth-grade students receive their education in primary school, "Djordje Maletic, and also the pre-and institution - kindergarten through the end of many children from surrounding villages.
In the Jasenovo 1816. The writer was born, esteticar, translator, politician, a theater teacher and theorist George Maletic.
For symbols of the coat of arms is used wood ash and traditional deity villa, which is legend Jasenovo lived in the forests and kept the village.

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Poštovani, posetio Jasenovo 15 maja 2017,neprijatno iznenadjen, od prvomajskog uranka na Karašu,ostalo djubre,neuredjena lokacija. Onda dozvolili nekom idiotu,da loži vatru tj. roštilj ispod starog hrasta nevidjeno. Proletos ste dozvolili na toj lokaciji da se iseku stari hrastovi i to je nevidjeno,ako hoćete nekim turizmom da se bavite. Simpatično SEX MOŽE ali izgleda da i djubre može. SAČUVAJTE OVU LEPOTU,TO MOŽETE SAMO VI. Pozdrav Branislav Kus Beograd
(, 17/05/2017 16:35)
(okuka, 05/09/2009 02:21)
Ja poznajem Jasenovo mnogo godina unazad kada sam isao u skolu1974 godine imam tamo mamu Ivanku i sestre Rajku i Maricu u ulici Save Muncana 10 mozda je ovo lozinka za kontakt sa Jasenovom i mojima preko da pzdravim moje i sve u Jasenovu da vam bude sve najbolje u novoj2009 slobodan.
(Slobodan Jovanovic, 08/12/2008 05:22)
moj otac je rodjen u jasenovo tu su mi ziveli baba i deda kosana i stanko nikolic .ja sam svaki moj raspust provodila kod mojih ali kako su umrli moji baba deda mama i tata ja nisam dolazila.tu su se radjale prve ljubavi i super izlasci.ja sada imam svoju porodicu i zivim u novim banovcima. pozdrav za generaciju 1976 i 77 to su svi moji drugari .sada kada bi se videli nebi se poznali puno pozdrava od mire.
(mirjana predojevic, 05/11/2008 13:24)
Voleli bi da dodjemo na vikend do vaseg mesta sa detetom , pa nas zanima da li postoji neki smestaj za goste . Mi smo iz Borče kod Beograda . Pozdrav !
(Markuc Bosiljka, 02/08/2008 13:20)
Posetite sajt EKO DRUŠTVO KARAŠ JASENOVO i napišite ko ste. Ja sam iz Jasenova (MIHAJLO VRGOVIĆ, 29.03.2008. 13:44)
(vl, 11/06/2008 12:42)
Bravo Urednice ove Veb stranice. Zahvaljujuci tebi i tebi slicnima sada i mi koji smo rasejani po belome Svetu imamo cime da se pohvalimo, a i sta da prikazemo uz zahvaljujuci vasoj dokumentaciji. Tako i treba.Samo hrabro napred. Puno pozdrava svima koji posecuju ove nase stranice, a pogotovo vama urednicima.
(Dragoljub Mihaj, 10/06/2008 07:25)


Bela Crkva (White Church)
Kulturni centar Svrljig
The town’s gallery "Bela Crkva"

ECO company Karaš